to solve core business challenges

Data holds the key to business growth

We give your company the capability to wield it to your advantage. From customer churning to creating new products, our deep, data-based insights help discover meaningful answers and winning business solutions. Be it a GAP, SWOT, PEST Analysis or complex IT processes, we push boundaries and thrive ourselves to get you the right answers. We analyze customer retention and profitability, enhance customer segmentation. We determine market channel effectiveness such as social media, managing risk exposure and diversification, identifying growth opportunities and estimating market share, forecasting and planning and more.


    Intelligence gathering and making sense of your business data for business sustainability and growth is critical. We transform raw data into meaningful information. From a social media update to a news article to a transactional fact, we dissect that piece of information for current and predictive views of business. We get you results that are crucial for your operations such as event-based intelligence actions, cross-sell by predicting customer wallet size analysis etc. Consider that a Futures Market Trader generates reports every evening. Based on set parameters, he creates automated orders for next day. Or a telecom company can predict usage and over-usage to offer data plans that fits the lifestyles of its consumers. We help in making this possible by providing required insights backed by data.


    With the Monad Analytics Platform, we not only help you with Predictive Modeling or risk exposure assessment but also provide an overall data strategy to meet your goals. Our framework allows you to set critical success factors for your endeavor where you can measure risks, ratios, profitability, Return on Investment, market share and trends at a glance. We thus ensure that these are feasible in given market conditions/time-frame and key performance indicators are measurable and/or quantifiable.


    By focusing on solving core issues, we learn what is keeping businesses away from meeting their goals. We measure Competitive Dynamics and at the same time mitigate threats from new entrants or competitors. Identify and fix customer churn by delivering retention strategies and measure contextual polarity.


    We provide ‘Software as a Service’ via our Analytics Platform. This allows us to provide consistent experience to our customers without worrying about the ‘next software upgrade’, device or location. We thus deliver technology-driven efficiencies, data maintenance, reporting, analysis and insights from various data sources seamlessly.

    Monad Analytics Platform provides data (publicly available)

    Application of requisite sophisticated tools/techniques and subject matter experts to help make meaningful decisions for your business

    Use of the Big Data of your domain to monitor and track life events, industry and legislative events in real time to sell or cross sell your products/services.


    No matter what business vertical you are in, regulatory requirements can be a major game changer. We provide service that brings single source of truth through Monad Analytics Platform that conform your data and forms to the standards mandated by the regulatory body.


    We are Methodical about understanding customer needs and expectation.Simple but effective ways of implementing stratedies is our forte.We set objectives via specific performance targets.we craft the..